Band Of Bros

In a WWII series, a captain demands his men get rid of pornography which is a woman with nice hair and cute in her underwear, and NOT a photo- drawn. And NOT engaged in an ACT. Just laying on a matress in her room.

Tricked ya. No porn here.

      I guess they had to store up 12.5 milligrams of pure Eden teste-terone to KILL 80,000 people. Any man ever FEEL like he could KILL like Samson on a bad effing day?

     Personally,  I start to feel like I am living death when the ivory-handled revolver is turned into murder-death-kill
shrap and I WANT TO GO TO HELL.

    Oh please, Daddy! Let me go to Hell? My tester-o-blade is denied “life joy”. Time to switch to the darkest side of the force.

     I am not military. I never killed one man. I ran over a possum. I shoved a drunk hobo once because my friend moved his hand to his concealed .38

      I almost drowned. Its like a heart attack. Only I knew I was about to die. I do not require sex. I need love & destruction. Hindu Baba Zindu… I lord my lot. I have killed floor lamps. Twenty seven. Just kidding. Four.

      I take. I am a human wrecking ball. I consume the lamby woman I trapped in marriage. I am a son of a Uranium tainted gun.

    Insanity is man. Fe or the male.

    Fe = iron
Mail = news report


A female is an iron maiden. Make sure you are a holey man if you get in with her.

Hey man!



You are a slayer.
Do not “let”
  slay you…

WHEN she does…


Like a man.

You are not beyrayed

She makes you strong to
                 die well.

Are you happy 100%?

Good for youuuuuuuu………

Your death is going to hurt.



What do I know?
I am a Dutch Boy.


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